• 07-04-2023

    BIT85 (1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one) price decrease at low point in China market

    Benzisothiazolinone is a new generation of long-acting fungicide without CIT/MIT and AOX. BIT biocide could be used with a wide pH range (4 to 12). And BIT has high resistance oftemperature of 150 °C.

  • 23-03-2023

    Biocides used to preserve liquid detergents water base.

    Our factory launches some types of biocide used to preserve liquid detergents water base. Widely used in the products of Dishwashing liquid, Liquid Detergent and Fabric Softener, etc.

  • 03-03-2023

    OIT 45 Octylisothiazolinone 45 Fungicida

    OIT 45 is a broad-spectrum fungicide, with solvent PG or DEG. OIT preservatives has strong bactericidal ability and excellent stability. The effect is obviously better than traditional mold inhibitors. It is a replacement product of traditional paint film mold inhibitors. OIT 45% preservatives is low toxicity and long-term effect; Free of formaldehyde, no odor. Harmless to the environment.

  • 17-02-2023

    Bronopol 30% solution CAS 52-51-7

    Our factory develop the formula biocide of Bronopol 30% solution. It's mixture of BNP and Propylene glycol. It is high efficiency, with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity; It is easy to dissolve in water, which is extremely convenient to use.

  • 27-01-2023

    Bactericide 950 with same effect as product of ROCIMA 632

    Bactericide 950, an aqueous solution of CMIT/MIT with formaldehyde, is an efficient microbiostatic preservative for aqueous compositions. It is recommended for scenarios where use of formaldehyde is not suitable.

  • 12-01-2023

    Deodorizing non-oxidizing fungicide for Circulating water system

    DBNPA formular biocide is a fast acting broad-spectrum antimicrobial, it's non-oxidizing fungicide. It also could eliminate the odor. This biocide is ideal for eliminating microbial contamination in raw materials or products.

  • 05-01-2023

    Characteristics of DBNPA (Dibromonitrilopropionamide)

    DBNPA is a new and efficient bactericidal algaecide and water treatment agent. It acts similar to the typical halogen biocides. The DBNPA biocide has the advantages of high-efficiency broad spectrum, easy degradation, no residual residue, no pollution to the environment.

  • 23-12-2022

    MEA Triazine, BK Biocide CAS 4719-04-4

    MEA Triazine is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and low-toxic antiseptic and antiseptic fungicide. It's non-dangerous cargo for sea shipment.

  • 09-12-2022

    Benzisothiazolinone 20% Water-Based Dispersions

    BIT20% Water-Based Dispersions is an efficient microbiostat preservative for aqueous compositions. Free of formaldehyde. With wide PH application range and is suitable for alkaline formulations. High temperature stability.

  • 02-12-2022

    Formular anionic biocide of Carbendazim and OIT for water based paints

    The CO-36 dry film antifungal agent is an anionic fungicide for water based paints. With composition of Carbendazim and octylisothiazolinone. It is a new generation of multi-component composite product that does not contain AOX and does not add formaldehyde or formaldehyde releaser.

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